Please have read of our FAQs and the Participant Guide for the event you have entered before sending us a question. We think you’ll find an answer to most questions here on our website, and with so many of you running it’s super helpful for us if we don’t need to answer too many questions and can get on with putting on eight great events! If you do have a question that can’t be answered in either of those places, head along to the contact us page and drop us a line.
All the events in this Series are very inclusive and we welcome runners of all abilities. If you’re up for giving it a go, come along and join us for a fun day out.
Bushwalkers are also welcome. If you plan to walk the full course, please enter the Short Course to avoid keeping our amazing volunteers and medics on site longer than expected.
The minimum age for the LONG COURSE is 15 years on the day of the event.
The minimum age for the SHORT COURSE is 10 years of age on the day of the event and ALL RUNNERS UNDER 12 years of age on the day of the event MUST BE DIRECTLY SUPERVISED for the duration of the run – that is, a parent or guardian must run with the child for the entire distance, and they too must be entered in the event.
Sorry dog-lovers, not this time. As part of our permits and insurance approvals, there are some things we can’t do, and having our furry friends along is one of them. Many of our events are run in National Parks and Conservation Areas and most also include single track sections. We understand your pups might be the loveliest around but with about 500 people per event, we’re subject to a blanket ‘all or nothing’ rule.
The short answer is no. With lots of other runners around, you’ll probably find that you don’t need the tunes to keep you pumped and music or podcasts will limit your ability to hear instructions from marshals, as well as calls from other participants or members of the public. This is of increased importance on the trails, where a wrong turn could get you lost very quickly.
We do know that people break this rule in just about every running race out there, so if you’ve decided you can’t survive one run without music, please limit use to one ear and turn it off altogether in all areas of high traffic or potential confusion.
But preferably, please respect our request and don’t use it at all. We’re pretty sure you’ll still have fun!
The first three male and female runners at each event will receive a medal. At our Series Finale we also award medals to the Overall Series and Age Champions.
To keep our environmental impact and event costs low, we don’t award finishers medals for each event. We do have a very cool singlet and professional event pics available to purchase if you’d like to show off your efforts long after event day.
We also give away some great random prizes at every event, so grab a coffee and a snag, then stick around to cheer the other runners and try your luck for the prize draw.
The SEQ Trail Running Series is very much about having a fun morning exploring our local trails with several hundred other cool cats. We hope you’ll have a great time!
Great idea! As the kids say, “these threads are dope”. Limited Edition singlets are available for purchase from www.thetrail.co and at the shop tent at each event.
If you entered the Series, you’ll be emailed a unique code which will allow you to order one for free once the singlets have arrived in store.
Each location is different and the weather can play a part but most courses do not include excessively technical (rocky, rough, slippery) trails so you should be able to complete the events in any running shoes. That said, a pair of trail shoes will offer you more traction and avoid you getting your shiny road shoes dirty. Plus, you’ll be hooked once you get a taste of the trails so they’ll get plenty of use!
The very best trail running store (of course we’re not biased!), The Trail Co., can hook you up and we’ll also have a tent at each event so pop by and say hello.
Head to our Event Pricing page for all the details.
We don’t have a wait list due to the tight time frames between events. You might get an entry through a transfer, as long as it’s submitted before the transfer window closes. Please be wary of fraudulent ticket sales, particularly on Facebook. Any exchange of funds/favours is worked out between you and the seller and Those Guys Events is not responsible for that transaction. We strongly recommend the transfer is completed (the new runner has entered) before funds are exchanged as we can always cancel a registration if the buyer doesn’t pay but we can’t retrieve your money if the seller turns out to be a scammer.
If you’re on Facebook, our official discussion group is a good place to keep an eye out for tickets.
Please don’t email to ask if we can add “just one more person” for special circumstances. Many of our permit numbers are very tightly controlled and parking is limited at all locations. We wish we could have you all and we hate saying no, so your best solution is to sign up early!
There are no on-the-day entries if an event is Sold Out.
Yes. Visit the Entry Transfer page for full instructions.
On-the-day entries will be available, unless the event has sold out prior. On-the-day entries will incur a $10 administration fee in addition to your Entry Fee, and must be performed no later than 6:00am on event morning. On-the-day entries do not count towards club or individual points scores.
Please note that all 8 events usually sell out prior to event day so we recommend entering online as soon as you can to be sure of running your favourite locations.
All information about entry transfers can be found here. While we want to be accommodating, with eight events to organise, and about 500-700 entrants at each, requests for transfers by other methods or after the cut-off date will not be able to be actioned.
If you can no longer attend, you may be able to transfer your entry to another runner or event in the series. Instructions can be found here.
Refunds are not available.
There are two ways to find this out. You can check your email for a receipt (unless your SPAM filter got hold of us) or you can log back in to the event registration portal by clicking any of the MANAGE ENTRY or ENTER NOW buttons on this website to see which events you’ve signed up for.
If somebody else registered for you, and you can’t find your email, ask them to log in to their profile and check.
Hint: to log in you’ll need to remember which email address you used to register.

If you’ve moved house or you want to add your club to your entry details you can do that by logging back into the entry portal. Hit Enter Now in the menu and log back in.
Once in the entry portal head to “Your Registration > Personal Details” to edit your personal info (new house), or “Registrations > Event Details” to edit your entry information (club info). Check out the image above which highlights the two areas you should be looking at (note: this will look a little different on a mobile).
We don’t have any power to edit your personal details as you might have used these to enter someone elses (not so cool) race.
Absolutely not.
Trails can be risky and serious stuff does happen. We need to know exactly who is out there in case you become lost, ill, injured or we need to evacuate the course.
While it may seem harmless to you, running as somebody else will jeopardise not just your safety but also our permits, and those of all similar events.
For this reason, anyone found to be running under another person’s name may be banned from future events, as will the person you’re pretending to be.
Please see our transfers page for details on how to transfer. If you missed the deadline, we are very sorry and do sympathise but by that late stage we will be working hard on preparations for the weekend’s event and not on email.
If the event is not sold out, on-the-day entries will be available.
There are a few reasons that you might not have received a pre-event email, which we’ll send out the Wednesday before the event. These are:
- It’s not yet Wednesday. Hold on, it’s coming!
- Your friend registered you and only used their email address. Ask them to forward the email.
- The email is in your Spam or Promotions folder.
- You didn’t get the email as you’ve unsubscribed from our list. Check you are subscribed here.
Bonus: You have a Hotmail address. We’ve noticed that an increased number of Hotmail users are reporting not receiving emails which we send from a range of different places (Eventplus, the mailing list and directly replying to transfers/enquiries etc). It’s not all Hotmail users so there may be a setting you can change. Otherwise, if you’re able to use a different account, that could help.
Event Day
Participant guides for each event can be found on the relevant event page here.
Participant Guides will be available by the Wednesday before each event and will give you most of the info you’ll need for a great, safe day out.
Bibs and pre-purchased merch are available for collection on the morning of the event. See the participant information guide corresponding to your event for full details.
Full Series entrants will be able to collect their personalised race bib* from the bib collection point at the first race you attend. You must remember to scan your race number near Bib Collection for all subsequent events, so that we know you’re toeing the line that morning.
*Cut-off date for personalised bib applies.
Water will be provided at the finish line but will not be available on course at most events. All runners in both long and short course events are required to carry at least 500 mL of water with you. Please take this seriously – there are not a lot of taps or bubblers on the trails and some of these events get very hot.
Here is a great selection of water carrying gear you could use, or any bottle or reservoir that you’re happy to carry will do the trick. There are a couple of events that do have additional water out on course. You’ll find this info in the participant guide for your event, available here.
We keep a close eye on environmental events leading up to and during our events and have direct lines to the authorities and land owners. We do our very best to plan for most eventualities and have contingency plans in place which will allow the event to go ahead if it is safe to do so.
If we do have to cancel, we will email you at the registered email address (if someone else has registered you or you have unsubscribed from our mailing list, you may not get emails from us), post on our social media channels and update the webpage.
So, if you haven’t heard otherwise, relax and turn up for your event and we’ll see you at the start line.
If we can’t host the event on its planned date, we will do our very best to reschedule to a new date. Check out our Cancellation Policy for full details.